Primary Chinese Tuition

(尔雅 Erya Chinese)

We have forged a co-branding partnership with Erya Language Centre (尔雅 Chinese) to leverage on the various expertise for best teaching and learning outcomes and provide a bigger support system for our students.

About Erya Language Centre

Every year many Primary & Seconndary students struggle with learning Chinese or scoring well in their Chinese PSLE Exam. Is your child among them? Erya Chinese (尔雅) is here to help you!
We provide Chinese tuition and enrichment programmes for Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary students. Our team of experienced Chinese teachers & Chinese authors are passionate in preparing your child to develop confidence in the Chinese language.

How Primary Chinese Tuition Can Benefit Your Child?

Primary Chinese Programmes

Our Our programmes are carefully crafted with the demand of the current PSLE & GCE ‘ O’ Level Chinese syllabus in mind. As a one-stop Chinese enrichment centre, we will nurture your child to have a better knowledge, application and deepened appreciation of the beauty of the Chinese language! With our concept and technique-focused classes (e.g. Composition, Oral, Comprehension & Vocabulary), we are sure to bring your Primary & Secondary child closer to acing the Chinese exams!


Tuition Classes


Our Chinese lessons are meant to develop the love of the language and strengthen your child's linguistic core ability. As your child develops their Chinese literacy and techniques on how to tackle the Chinese Paper, they will be all set to ace their exams!



Come join us at our workshop for a sneak-peek of our regular lessons! Our monthly workshop are designed to provide targeted guidance on how to tackle various sections of the Chinese Paper - such as Oral Boot Camp, Composition, Vocabulary and Comprehension.